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26. Feb, 2011

Floating Village

Floating Village

We were speeding down the river towards the floating village.  The wind felt cool on my face but it didn’t smell very good.  The water looked like my mom’s coffee drink she used to get from Starbucks.  I saw lots of people in the river bathing and washing their laundry but I didn’t really think […]

25. Feb, 2011

Rural Cambodians

Rural Cambodians

We exit the van and are hit by a wave of aggravating smells and surprisingly dry heat. We smell animal and human sweat, among other indistinguishable odors. We all wrinkle our noses. Then we turn our attention to the people. Women who chew the betel nuts have red teeth, thanks to the red minerals that accumulate […]

25. Feb, 2011

Mini-Tour of Angkor Temples

Mini-Tour of Angkor Temples

Could one tourist site account for nearly 10% of a nation’s economy?  If the nation is Cambodia and the site is the extraordinary Angkor Wat, then by our admittedly rough calculations the answer is yes. Cambodia only has a national GDP of $11 billion, ranking 124th in the world.  Some 2.5 million people per year […]

25. Feb, 2011

Where is Piggy in Cambodia?

Where is Piggy in Cambodia?

Can you guess the name of the famous temple that Piggy is visiting today? Send your answer to Answers from February:  In Thailand, Piggy was at the Temple of the Reclining Buddha (called Wat Pho) in Bangkok.  In Southeast Asia, Piggy was in Singapore, about to cross the Malaysian border to board the Eastern […]