Aug 13

A Day on a Double Decker Bus

by in Europe, United Kingdom

My cousins Laura and Eleanor and their family were staying in London with us. Laura had been saying that she wanted to go on a Double Decker bus, so Mom and Grandma talked to the concierge and soon we had our own. We didn’t believe we had our own Double Decker bus at first, but they were forced to believe it when we were sitting on the top floor all by ourselves.

There were two rows of red booths with a small box for the driver up front. The second floor was the same, but it was a lot cooler being so high up. We were so high, that the branches of some trees scraped the top of the bus, it made me shiver like nails on a chalkboard. I had to go to the front of the bus and press my face to the glass just to see the car in front/way below.

Our guide Tim came up the stairs, grabbed a microphone, and started giving us a tour on London while we drove to the London Tower. We passed a lot of Harry Potter things too, like “Gringots” the wizard bank, the bridge the death eaters broke in the 5th movie, and even Diagon Alley!

We continued on and after the London Tower went to the British Museum. We saw the mummies and the exhibit of statues from the Parthenon that were taken from Athens. The mummies were really cool! In order to mummify you they had to take out most of your organs and stuff them in a jar. They even had a big hook, and reached with it through your nose, mashed up your brain, and turned you upside down so all the mushed up brains fell out. 

As we were going home the lady who worked on the bus let Laura and me ring the bell!  We smiled as the big red beast took us home.

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